Posts tagged 3ina
3INA the red nail polish that requires one coat. Only.

Unbelievable but true, out there exists a red nail polish that only requires one coat for full coverage. It’s 3ina The Nail Polish in the shade 148, a budget friendly varnish that other than being easy to play with and very fast in drying time, really makes your nails stand out. For at least 4 days. Try it and have fun in testing all the other 90 colors of the range.

Incredibile ma vero, uno smalto rosso facile da applicare e che richiede una sola passata per rivelare la sua anima di fuoco esiste. È The Nail Polish nella sfumatura 148 di 3INA, una lacca per unghie assolutamente budget-friendly (a.k.a. economica) che oltre a facilitarvi la vita in termini di applicazione e asciugatura super rapida, mette le vostre unghie in primo piano per ben 4 giorni. Provatelo e divertitavi a giocare con tutte le altre 90 sfumature dalla linea. 

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3INA: The democratic (a.k.a. budget-friendly) makeup brand that is going to revolutionize the beauty universe

High quality and hyper-pigmented formulas that are simple and easy to use, that blend with skin ensuring an extreme hold and that, incredibly, are budget-friendly. This is 3INA (pronounced mina), a relatively new makeup brand that just landed in Italy (as in UK, Greece and Australia) and that makes of a bold approach to beauty and of high quality its mission.

Formule iperpigmentate, di alta qualità, semplici e facili da usare, dalla tenuta estrema e che, incredibilmente, costano pure poco. Questa è 3INA (si pronuncia mina), brand di makeup appena sbarcato in Italia (dopo la Grecia, l’Australia e il Regno Unito) che fa del divertimento, dell’audacia e della qualità la sua mission. 

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