Posts tagged Milan Fashion Week
Customized skincare is the next big thing

There is a new beauty concept that is getting popular and popular among fashion addicts, it is called Skins Inc. and is a real revolution in terms of beauty that speaks to the most time-strapped women that hardly find the time to take care of themselves (but for sure want to). Now, just in time for the Milan Fashion Week, Skin Inc. opened in Brera, go and check it out!


C’è un nuovo beauty concept che sta spopolando fra le fashion addict, si chiama Skin Inc. ed è una vera e propria rivoluzione in termini di bellezza che si rivolge alle donne sempre di fretta, a quelle del non-ho-tempo-neanche-per-me-stessa. Ora, giusto in tempo per la FW milanese, Skin Inc. ha aperto in Brera. Milanesi a rapporto, dunque.

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Chi non risica non rosica, come si dice e, a Milano per la Fashion Week dell’Autunno Inverno 2015-2016, sembra proprio che makeup artists, hairstylists e stilisti stessi, abbiamo assecondato il detto lanciandosi in look più audaci delle stagioni precedenti.

There has been plenty of welcome surprises on the Italian beauty front during this Fall 2015 Fashion Week where makeup artists and hairstylists went along with designers’ wishes and risked a lot, sometimes creating bold looks some others opting for pared down options like the one seen at Gucci that, totally changing direction from previous seasons, can be easily pointed as the most memorable make-under until now.

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