Posts in Make-up trends
Chanel Rouge Allure Liquid Powder | Kiss me or not, my lips will be blurry this fall

Sfuocato, opaco, intenso. Questo è l’effetto Rouge Allure Liquid Powder di Chanel, un rossetto di ultima generazione creato da Lucia Pica, che svecchia il concetto di rouge à lèvres opaco.

Blurry, matte, intense. This is Chanel new signature Rouge Allure Liquid Powder effect, a latest-generation lipstick created by Lucia Pica, which reinvents the concept of the matte rouge à lèvres.

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High coverage foundations are now... weightless!

Sheer foundations may be on trend, but for those of you who don’t like to face the world feeling “naked”, new generations high-coverage foundation are the solution. Forget cake-y faces and dried-out masks, the latest high-coverage foundation formulas launched on the market are weightless, moisturizing and even light diffusing, for a skin that is evened out yet very natural.

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Dolce&Gabbana Fall in Bloom makeup collection

Inspired by hydrangeas, Dolce & Gabbana fall make-up collection “Fall In Bloom” matches the fashion theme and turns it on with innovative texture and natural and lively nuances.

Si ispira alle ortensie la collezione make-up autunnale di Dolce&Gabbana e, riprendendo il tema della moda, lo accende con texture innovative e nuance naturali e vivaci.

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An elegant take on purple highlighter and the holographic makeup

Holographic make-up? Yes please, but elegantly. To pull off the trend you need just three products: a purple highlighter, a metallic nude lipstick and a multitasking gloss with holographic sparkles inside.

Makeup oleografico? Si grazie, ma con classe (e divertimento). Per sfoggiare il trend bastano tre prodotti: un illuminante viola (non spaventatevi), un rossetto nude metallico e un gloss con glitter ologrammati.

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How to easily get full and sensual lips

Come ottenere in modo rapido e indolore labbra piene, voluminose, morbide e idratate? Usando Lip Injection di Too Faced, una gamma di rossetti che per 4 ore done gli stessi effetti delle punturine.

How to get, quickly and pain-free, a full, sensual pout? Using Too Faced Lip Injection lipsticks, a range that delivers for 4 hours the same effect of (indeed) lip injections. 

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Les Indispendables de L’Été: the first cruise makeup collection

Dalla moda al beauty, la tendenza Cruise divampa. Lucia Pica lancia Les Indispendables de L’Été, la prima Cruise collection dedicata al makeup firmata Chanel, una vera e propria chicca al naturale che null’altro vuole se non farvi abbandonare a quella sensazione leisure tipica della stagione estiva. 

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Watery is the new matte with Chanel new Rouge Coco Gloss

Il lucidalabbra torna con tutto il suo splendore grazie ai nuovi Rouge Coco Gloss di Chanel, una gamma estremamente glam che riscrive le regole del lipgloss rendendolo indispensabile sia dal punto di vista lip care sia da quello makeup. Scoprite il video girato in esclusiva con

Lip glosses are back in all their splendor thanks to Chanel new Rouge Coco Gloss range, a glamorous reformulation of the beloved Lèvres Scintillantes Glossimer that rewrites the rules of shine making it essential both for the care and comfort of lips as for the makeup performance. Discover the video shot exclusively with to know more about the Coco Glosses.

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Dot. Dot. Dot. How to enhance your eyes with the Dot Liner Trend

Un puntino, posizionato strategicamente sotto le ciglia può rivoluzionare il vostro sguardo, renderlo più intrigante e magnetico. Scoprite qui come creare il perfetto Dot Liner.

A dot, strategically positioned below the lashes can revolutionize your look, making it more intriguing and magnetic. Find out here how to create the perfect Dot Liner.

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Be naked for Valentine’s Day Morning

Believe it or not but men want us as we are, natural and authentic also when makeup is involved. Check out here how to surprise your other half with your authentic beauty on Valentine's Day!

Credeteci o no ma gli uomini ci preferiscono au naturel, senza troppi fronzoli o troppo makeup addosso. Scoprite qui come sorprendere il vostro lui con la vostra autentica bellezza il giorno di San Valentino!

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